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International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
The Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) is highly dependent on external aid. Following a recession in FY2006–08, the FSM economy has grown by 2–2½ percent for FY2010 and FY2011. The economy remains dependent on the large public sector, although the fisheries and agriculture sectors have shown signs of growth. Despite some deterioration in current account balance, external balance also has sustained a stable flow of official transfers. However, economic growth is likely to slow in the near term owing to a decline in public sector demand.
International Monetary Fund
The Paraguayan authorities have prepared an economic program to stabilize their macroeconomic situation and begin a process of structural reform. Fiscal adjustment and structural reforms should pave the way for more rapid growth over the medium term. Despite these expected improvements in economic policies and performance, Paraguay remains vulnerable to external shocks. The fiscal situation has deteriorated sharply in recent years. Severe financing constraints have produced sizable public sector payments arrears. On the revenue side, the government's fiscal strategy is to raise revenues while minimizing increases in tax rates.