International Monetary Fund. Institute for Capacity Development
This supplement includes five background papers and provides background information on various aspects of capacity development (CD) for the main Board paper, Review of the Fund’s Capacity Development Strategy—Towards a More Flexible, Integrated, and Tailored Model. It is divided into five sections, each consisting of a different background paper. The five sections cover (1) CD Delivery Modalities; (2) Evaluation and Impact; (3) Regional Capacity Development Centers and Field Presence; (4) HR Policies; and (5) Mapping the Fund’s Position vis-à-vis Other CD Providers.
International Monetary Fund. Legal Dept., International Monetary Fund. Fiscal Affairs Dept., International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department, and International Monetary Fund. Finance Dept.
This technical assistance report on Sri Lanka discusses the Governance Diagnostic Assessment. In recent years, a confluence of shocks and policy missteps led to a deep economic and governance crisis. Sri Lanka continues to face severe economic, social and governance challenges. The authorities have requested IMF assistance to analyse governance weaknesses and corruption vulnerabilities that are macro-critical in their own right and stand in the way of achieving the objectives of the reform program. The report highlights immediate and short-term measures to address key corruption issues, as well as structural reforms that require more time and resources but are essential to strengthen governance and initiate lasting change. The recommendations are designed as a coherent approach to improving governance through a focus on: clarity of authority and responsibility for core functions; financial and operational independence of essential accountability and law enforcement institutions; transparency in government practices and performance, especially relating to the planning, spending, and accounting for the use of public funds and assets; inclusive, accessible, and rule-based means to enforce private agreements and challenge official behaviour; and efficient mechanisms for making information public and holding organizations and individuals to account for their performance and behaviour.
International Monetary Fund. Asia and Pacific Dept
Swift implementation of containment measures, limited spillovers from tourism, and COVID-related fiscal spending financed by buoyant fishing revenues and donor grants have allowed Tuvalu—a fragile Pacific micro-state—avoid a recession in 2020. The economy is expected to expand by 2.5 percent in 2021, supported by fiscal expenditures and resumption of infrastructure projects. But significant challenges remain: Tuvalu is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, its economy is dominated by the public sector, and its revenue base is narrow. Uncertainty around donor commitments complicates fiscal planning.
International Monetary Fund. Western Hemisphere Dept.
Weak growth and underlying structural vulnerabilities persist in both Curaçao and Sint Maarten. Worsened macroeconomic conditions—reflecting the spillovers from one of Curaçao’s largest trading partners and the devastation from Hurricanes Irma and Maria in Sint Maarten—make the need for policy adjustment and structural reforms aimed at ensuring fiscal sustainability, enhancing competitiveness, strengthening investor confidence, and developing capacity more urgent.
International Monetary Fund. Monetary and Capital Markets Department
This Technical Assistance Report discusses measures to enhance the powers and independence of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) in Ukraine. The NSSMC faces significant challenges in its role as the regulator of the Ukrainian securities market. Market activity has been shrinking over the past few years, but misconduct—such as issuance and trading of “fictitious” securities—prevails. Key changes needed relate to enhancing the NSSMC’s ability to conduct investigations of and demand information from any legal or natural person, have access to information otherwise restricted by secrecy laws, assist foreign authorities even without an apparent violation of the Ukrainian securities laws, and maintain the confidentiality of information exchanged under the Multilateral Memorandum of Understanding.
This 2015 Article IV Consultation highlights that Luxembourg’s economic model, emphasizing fiscal stability, openness, firm prudential oversight, and responsiveness to investor needs, is delivering strong growth. Buoyant financial services exports contributed to real growth of close to 3 percent in 2014, with strong job creation. Budget 2015 launched a multi-year fiscal consolidation aimed at offsetting falling revenues from electronic commerce. The economy faces important challenges going forward. Evolving international tax transparency standards, in which Luxembourg is participating fully, could impact the revenue base. Growth is projected at 2.5 percent in 2015.
In March 2009, the Fund established a new Framework Administered Account to administer external financial resources for selected Fund activities (the "SFA Instrument"). The financing of activities under the terms of the SFA Instrument is implemented through the establishment and operation of subaccounts under the SFA. This paper requests Executive Board approval to establish the Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Center (PFTAC) subaccount (the "Subaccount") under the terms of the SFA Instrument.
Zambia’s nonperforming loans are expected to increase and banks have become more cautious in their lending. The staff report for the Zambia’s first and second reviews of the Three-Year Arrangement under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility and request for Waivers of Nonobservance of Performance Criteria, and Augmentation of Access is examined. The slowdown in external demand and uncertainty about the global outlook have negatively affected growth prospects and the balance of payments, and made the program targets for reserve accumulation unattainable.
In March 2009, the Fund established a new Framework Administered Account to administer external financial resources for selected Fund activities (the “SFA Instrument”). The financing of activities under the terms of the SFA Instrument is implemented through the establishment and operation of a subaccount within the SFA. The subaccount for the Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic Technical Assistance Center (CAPTAC-DR) would be the first one established under the SFA. This paper requests Executive Board approval to establish the CAPTAC-DR subaccount (the “Subaccount”) under the terms of the SFA Instrument.