A technical assistance (TA) mission on external sector statistics (ESS) was conducted in The Valley, Anguilla, during March 27–31, 2017. This was the first mission to Anguilla carried out as part of the Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre (CARTAC) work program on external sector statistics (ESS) and in response to requests from the Anguilla Statistics Department (ASD) of Anguilla’s Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, Commerce, Tourism, Land & Physical Planning (MFED).1 The purpose of the mission was to assist the ASD in strengthening the compilation and dissemination of ESS. This is intended to facilitate a robust assessment of external sector developments and policy impact. Reliable ESS are essential for informed economic policy-making by the authorities.
This report focuses on the Monetary Statistics Component of the Regional Data Module Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes for the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB). The report reveals that with respect to the prerequisites of quality and assurances of integrity, the legislation broadly supports mandatory data reporting and the confidentiality of the reported data. However, the ECCB’s responsibility for compiling and disseminating monetary statistics to the public is not clearly specified in the law. Regarding resources, the number of staff allocated to the compilation of monetary statistics is inadequate.