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International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
This Selected Issues paper highlights climate change impacts in Eswatini. Eswatini is highly susceptible to climate shocks and is impacted by frequent droughts, erratic rainfall, variability in temperature, and water scarcity. Climate change is affecting Eswatini in several ways. With over 70 percent of the population dependent on agriculture, the increased frequency of extreme weather phenomena necessitates adaptation to create a climate-smart agricultural sector with a long-run objective of ensuring food security and generating exportable surpluses. Focusing on sustainable energy is also pertinent to reduce reliance on carbon-intensive energy production that exacerbates climate stress. Eswatini should be seeking access to green financing and insurance mechanisms to protect against the financial impacts of climate change. Insurance plays a crucial role in providing a safety net against the unpredictable impacts of disasters. By spreading the financial risk associated with natural disasters, insurance helps to stabilize economies and support recovery efforts.
International Monetary Fund. Middle East and Central Asia Dept.
This Selected Issues paper explores drivers of inflation and monetary policy in Georgia. Inflation spiked in Georgia following the pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine. A positive output gap indicates that high demand is generating inflationary pressure in the economy. Estimates suggest tighter monetary policy in 2021 helped significantly lower peak inflation in 2022. One response to uncertainty is for monetary policy makers to act more cautiously – responding less vigorously with monetary policy to shocks. Given the challenges in managing inflation in a highly dollarized, small open-economy prone to large external shocks, it is important to look at the drivers of inflation in Georgia, the monetary policy stance including the natural rate, the transmission mechanism including the impact of dollarization, and the appropriate monetary policy path going forward. Using a range of approaches, IMF establish that monetary policy in Georgia is effective, that it is close to neutral, and that heightened uncertainty supports a gradual policy normalization.