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International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
L’UEMOA s’est montrée résiliente face à de forts chocs négatifs, parvenant à garder une croissance forte, tandis que l’inflation est récemment revenue dans sa fourchette cible. Toutefois, des pressions budgétaires et extérieures persistantes — dues à des besoins de financement accrus pendant une période d’accès limité aux marchés de capitaux internationaux — ont pesé sur la liquidité et fortement entamé les réserves ces dernières années. Le resserrement de la politique monétaire opéré par la BCEAO et l’augmentation des financements extérieurs enregistrée ces dernières semaines ont contribué à l'amélioration des perspectives des réserves, mais celles-ci demeurent inférieures aux niveaux adéquats.
International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
This paper focuses on Burkina Faso’s 2024 Article IV Consultation and First Review under the Extended Credit Facility Arrangement and Financing Assurances Review. Burkina Faso’s performance under the program has been positive. All quantitative performance criteria, all indicative targets but one, and most structural benchmarks for the first review were met; some structural benchmarks were implemented with delay. Burkina Faso faces multiple development challenges, including heightened security conditions, climate change, and food insecurity. The authorities are progressing in their fiscal consolidation efforts, structural reforms and fiscal governance measures, and the creation of fiscal space for priority spending. Growth accelerated in 2023 to 3.6 percent of gross domestic product, supported by a rebound in construction and expansion of the tertiary sector. Inflation significantly decreased, and the fiscal and debt positions improved. Growth is projected at 5.5 percent in 2024 but remains below potential in the medium term, and a lasting recovery is contingent on bringing security under control.
International Monetary Fund. African Dept.
This Selected Issues paper highlights trends, impacts, and policy implications in Burkina Faso. Regional insecurity has also created increased cross-border displacement, both into and out of Burkina Faso. Burkina Faso has devised several policy responses, including in cooperation with international partners. Despite these measures, the persistent crisis of forced displacement means that the need for humanitarian assistance remains. A successful strategy for addressing the displacement crisis should be broad-based in terms of partners and approaches. Given the country's economic and financial challenges, an in-depth understanding is needed of the economic impact of forced displacement and possible solutions. In other countries, studies show positive economic outcomes to host regions of forced displacement. The inclusion of forced displaced persons in the Unified Social Register and national social nets programs would facilitate the implementation of assistance and, along with other national repositories help improve urban management and budget planning.