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International Monetary Fund

TABLE II.1 PORTFOLIO HOLDINGS OF EQUITY SECURITIES AT END-DECEMBER 1997 (in millions of US dollars) Country of Nonresident Issuer AR AU AT BE BM CA CL DK FI FR IS ID IE IL IT AR Argentina – 44 – 35 156 561 19 23 – 146 – – 96 – 294 AU Australia – – 71 45 212 1,829 .. 132 18 301 – – 840 1 534 AT Austria – 40 – 51 44 173

International Monetary Fund

ARGENTINA’S PORTFOLIO INVESTMENT ASSETS AT END-DECEMBER 1997 (in millions of US dollars) Country of Nonresident Issuer Equity Securities Long-term Debt Securities Short-term Debt Securities Financial Derivatives Total AF Afghanistan, Islamic State – – – .... – AI Albania – – – .... – DZ Algeria – – – .... – AD Andorra – – – .... – AO Angola – – – .... – AI Anguilla – – – .... – AG Antigua and Barbuda

International Monetary Fund


The coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey Guide is provided to assist balance of payments compilers in the conduct of an internationally coordinated survey of security holdings being conducted under the auspices of the IMF with reference to year-end 1997. The Guide has two main purposes: to set out the objectives of the Coordinated Survey; and to provide practical advice on how to prepare, organize, and conduct a national survey. The appendices include three model survey forms, a glossary of security terms, a listing of the major security databases that national compilers may find useful in their work, and a method for reconciling security position and transactions data.

International Monetary Fund


The Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS) was undertaken in response to recommendations contained in the Report on the Measurement of International Capital Flows (the Godeaux Report), which was published by the International Monetary Fund (IMF or the Fund) in 1992.

International Monetary Fund


CPIS data were compiled and estimated by the National Directorate of International Accounts of the Argentine Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services. The directorate is also responsible for compiling balance of payments statistics.

International Monetary Fund. Statistics Dept.

-term securities (equity and debt) held as reserve assets by the monetary authorities of countries participating in the SEFER; plus BIS data relating to nonresident debt securities held by banks resident in Germany, Hong Kong SAR, Luxembourg, and Switzerland; plus equity and long-term debt securities, held mainly in respect of pension fund operations for staff, by selected international organizations. Table 4. Portfolio Investment Assets of 1997 CPIS Participants at End-December 1997 Shown by Instrument and Region of Issuer Countries of Nonresident

International Monetary Fund. Research Dept.

estimated as follows. For equity assets, returns were calculated as the weighted average of quarterly (dollar) returns on the Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) indexes for the major countries of nonresident issuers, with weights from the geographical allocation of foreign equity assets as reported in the IMF’s 2001 Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS). For FDI assets, the same returns were used but the weights reflected the geographical allocation of FDI assets, as reported by the OECD’s International Direct Investment database. For debt assets