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when a certain issue needs to be discussed. Having this open forum for dialogue can help stakeholders present their issues to customs before they become bigger problems and allows for earlier and less costly resolution. Trusted Trader and Authorized Economic Operator Programs While all authorized economic operators (AEOs), are TTPs, not all TTPs are AEOs. Both are based on the compliance histories of traders and may grant certain privileges. The main difference between them is that the AEO programs include security requirements and standards while not all TTP
Management Information System (IFMIS) Jun-23 MoFDP Revenue Administration May-23 MoFDP Fiscal Rules Apr-23 MoFDP TADAT Assessment Apr-23 RSL Fiscal Reporting (AFS) Apr-23 MoFDP PFM Hackathon Jan-23 MoFDP Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (AFS) Jan-23 MoFDP Tax Debt Management (AFS) Dec-22 RSL Customs Administration (AFS) Sep-22 RSL Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and Customs Border Management (CBM) (AFS) Aug-22 RSL Excise (AFS) Aug-22 RSL Gender Responsive Budgeting (AFS) Jul-22 MoF
Authorized Economic Operator program. D. Post-Clearance Audit 34. The Customs Act (1984) does not provide legal basis for PCA . GCA does not have legal authority to ask the traders for supporting documents after the import clearance, and the traders are not obliged to keep business records relating the import. Moreover, GCA has apparently few needs of PCA at this moment as it controls all the declarations at the importation. As consequence, GCA does not conduct PCA. 35. Customs law revision should create legal basis for PCA . Such legal base should empower the
Management and Governance 5. e-System for Value-Added Tax Accounts 6. Information on Value-Added Tax Refunds for 2013–15 7. Technical Assistance Provided to the State Fiscal Service by Other Donors Glossary AEO Authorized economic operator CIT Corporate income tax DFADT Department for Foreign Affairs, Development and Trade EC European Commission EUBAM European Union Border Assistance Mission FAD Fiscal Affairs Department GIZ German Agency for International Cooperation
Apr-23 MoFDP TADAT Assessment Apr-23 RSL Fiscal Reporting (AFS) Apr-23 MoFDP PFM Hackathon Jan-23 MoFDP Medium-Term Fiscal Framework (AFS) Jan-23 MoFDP Tax Debt Management (AFS) Dec-22 RSL Customs Administration (AFS) Sep-22 RSL Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) and Customs Border Aug-22 Management (CBM) (AFS) Excise (AFS) Aug-22 RSL Gender Responsive Budgeting (AFS) Jul-22 MoF GovTech: Improving Digital Payments, Bank Reconciliation and Cash Consolidation